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This is a picture of the Samsung Galaxy Player 50. If this is not the correct click here to see all the other Samsung phones

Samsung Galaxy Player 50 Repair Service Repair for No Power fault - trace fault and repair
Samsung Galaxy Player 50 - Repair for No Power fault - trace fault and repair Repair

• Turnaround: 3-5 days
• Warranty: 3 months

Samsung Galaxy Player 50 - Repair for No Power fault - trace fault and repair

Special things to note about this Repair

Repair Lead TimeHow long will my repair take?

Current lead time on Samsung Galaxy Player 50 repairs is 2-3 days after we receive the unit. Please allow time for return postage which is generally "next working day".

Return Delivery methodHow will I get my phone back?

Your Samsung Galaxy Player 50 will be returned via Royal Mail Special Delivery after the repair process has been completed (next day before 1pm).

How does it work How does it all work?

We have tried to make the repair process as simple as possible - click here for details and images about how it all works.

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→ Quick turnaround
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